Things to do on your ski trip that isn’t just skiing

Things to do in snow-sonnenhof

Our guide to what other activities shouldn’t be missed on your next ski trip


When heading off on a ski trip, there’s more to be done than just hitting the slopes! Whilst skiing might be your main reason for heading off on a snow trip, there are loads of other activities and experiences you definitely don’t want to miss out on. 

Whether you’re a seasoned skier heading to the slopes for your yearly ski trip or you’re a newbie looking to get the most out of your holiday – taking a break from the slopes to embark on other activities is a must! 

These are some of our favourite activities you don’t want to miss out on during your next ski trip. 


Explore the slopes 


One of the best ways to explore the area is with a pair of snowshoes! Snowshoes allow you to explore off the beaten track so that you can admire the beauty of the snowy landscapes at your own pace. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Perisher Valley by heading out on a hike – you might be surprised at what you find! 

Safety always comes first when heading out for snowy walks and hikes, check the conditions and make sure you chat to locals and staff members about possible walking tracks before heading off on your own! 


Go snow tubing


If you’re a thrill seeker looking for a way to get in on the action without having to have any special skills, snow tubing is the way to go! You’ll zip down the mountain in an inflatable tube seeing the sights and having an exhilarating adventure on the way down! Snow tubing is a great activity for adventurers of all ages and it’s a great break in between ski sessions to have some laughs and make some memories with family and friends.


Enjoy some apres-ski drinks 


After a day hitting the slopes on your skis, there’s no better way to relax than with some evening drinks! Treat yourself to a drink or two by a fireplace and revitalise and rejuvenate yourself ready for another day of skiing tomorrow! 


Try out snowboarding 


If you’ve had enough of skiing, why not try your hand at snowboarding? Snowboarding offers all the similar thrills of skiing whilst allowing you to learn a completely new skillset. Whether you’re a seasoned skier wanting to try out snowboarding for the first time or you’re a newbie to both wanting to find what works best for you, trying snowboarding is a great way to explore the slopes without the skis. 

If you’re a complete novice you may want to consider taking a lesson prior to starting your snowboarding adventure to nail down all the basics. 


Fuel your body with tasty food 


A ski trip isn’t just about the outdoor adventure, it’s also a great opportunity to try all the delicious restaurants and bars in the area. Whether you’re looking for hearty meals to fuel your days or you’re looking for a cocktail or a hot chocolate to warm up after a day on the slopes, exploring all the local restaurants should definitely not be missed when you’re on your ski trip! 


Explore Perisher Valley at Chalet Sonnenhof


If you’re looking for premier accommodation in Perisher Valley, Chalet Sonnenhof is the place for you! With state-of-the-art facilities and accommodation right in the centre of all the action, our team at Chalet Sonnenhof aims to make your stay one to remember! 

Whether you’re wanting to ski or you’re looking to partake in one of the other activities available at Perisher, Chalet Sonnenhof is the perfect place to come back to after a day on the slopes. 

Contact us today to find out more or book online to lock in your dates! 

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